Put them - Right Click on - RUN AS ADMIN - RebootĬheck the Version on Driver's tab in Device Manager as often sound drivers rollbackĪnd then finally install the current version. Now go to System Maker's site and get latest Sound/Audio drivers - Download - SAVE - go to where you You may have the windows default or an older certified driver and that is part or all of the issue. Then RIGHTĬLICK on it and UNINSTALL - REBOOT - this will rebuild the driver stack.
NowĬlick UPdate Drivers which may not do anything as MS is far behind certifying drivers. Write down description make and model - double click on it - drivers tab - write down version. (that is an example and yours may have an entirely different name/maker). References to Vista also apply to Windows 7.Ĭontrol Panel - Device Manager - SOUNDS - look for HD Audio - Mine says RealTek High Definition Audio In the BIOS and use either a USB Sound Card or an add-in audio card - neither of which isĮxpensive (of course it would need to have a mic input).ĭ945GCL motherboard drivers - does not seem to be any Windows 7. If you have tried the Vista drivers you would need to disable the on-board audio
The problem is you are probably using the Windows Default driver and the mic may not work